Sunday, March 29, 2020



Pierogi fillings.
I list these first because it is best to make the fillings 1 to 2 days before you plan on making the pierogis,   Cold filling is easier to manipulate into the pierogi casing.
Fillings need to be WELL seasoned, because the pierogi dough will leach some of the flavors.

·         All quantities are based on your individual tastes and the amount of pierogi's you wish to make.
5 pounds of potatoes makes approximately 50-60 pierogis
potatoes washed and cut into chunks (skins on is OK and good!)
large pot of cold water with approximately 1-2 TBS salt.
·         The amount of cheese is to your taste-we like ours very cheesy!
Sharp white cheddar cheese grated
Sharp yellow cheddar cheese grated
Gruyere cheese grated (gruyere is a good melting cheese and adds a lot of flavor)

Butter  1-4 sticks based on the thickness of your mix-you do not want the filling runny.

Salt and pepper  generous quantities-the more flavorful the filling the better the end result

·         Place potatoes in water and bring to a boil
·         Boil until potatoes are just soft (not mushy)
·         Drain water
·         Mash potatoes with cheese and butter until it is a thick tasty consistency.
·         Add generous quantities of salt and pepper-you want the filling to taste almost over-flavorful.
·         Place in a container and refrigerate overnight.
Alternately use a food mill/ricer to mix potatoes and cheese-the food mill /ricer will remove the skins.

We usually add small amounts of potatoes, then cheese, then butter as we mash to keep a good balance of flavors.

Note Tasty Additions:
Sautéed onions
Sautéed onions and bacon


1-2 cans/jars sauerkraut
1-2 sticks butter
salt and pepper

·         Melt one stick of butter in a frying pan
·         Add sauerkraut (juice and sauerkraut)
·         Sauté/fry until all butter and juice is absorbed and sauerkraut is turning a nice brown color
·         Make sure to season well.
·         Add butter as necessary while frying.  The more butter the better the filling will stick together, making it easier to fill the pierogi.
·         Let mixture cool and the refrigerate overnight.


1-2 pounds mushrooms (pureed in a food processor)
salt and pepper
·         Melt butter in a frying pan
·         Add pureed mushrooms
·         Sauté/fry until mushrooms are dry.  Keep adding butter until the mixture holds together in a firm consistency.
·         Cool and refrigerate overnight.
Sautéed onions

Other fillings:
Let your imagination explore the many possibilities.
Savory or sweet.
Remember to well season the fillings and make sure they are cold and firm to use as filling.

Pierogi dough

I have made the dough passed down from my grandparents for years.  All quantities were estimates and unless you worked with them or had some tutoring it was a difficult process.
Then we found this recipe with exact measurements and it is flawless every time!
Thanks to ”The Gourmet Cookbook" edited by Ruth Reichl (copyright 2004) page 242-243.

Pierogi and Vareniki Dough

Makes enough for about 48 pierogi or 32 varenikis:
            Serves 6 as a Main Course
·         Evert country or culture has a dumpling to call its own.  Here's a dough for pierogi that also works for the Ukrainian dessert dumplings called varenikis
1 Cup all purpose flour plus additional for kneading
3/4 cup cake flour (not self rising)  my note:  this is the essential key ingredient-cake flour has less gluten than all purpose flour and will help keep your dough supple, but not too elastic and makes the final noodle less chewy.
2 large eggs
1/8 tsp salt
1/4 cup water
·         Stir together flours in a large bowl
·         Make a well in flour
·         add eggs, salt and water to well and stir together with a fork
·         Continue stirring, gradually incorporating flour into well, until a soft dough forms
·         Transfer dough to a lightly floured work surface and knead, adding only as much additional flour as necessary to keep dough from sticking.
·         Knead until smooth and elastic, about 8 minutes.  (dough will be soft)
·         Cover with plastic warp and let rest at room temperature for 30 min.

While dough is resting prepare your first filling and your par-boiling pots
·         Fill a large pot with water and salt-bring to a boil
·         Fill a large bowl with Ice water and set aside.
·         Line a counter with a tea towel or any lint free cloth
·         Prepare a baking dish or aluminum pan by coating with a layer of soft butter.  Keep a bowl of soft/melted butter available for coating pierogis as they are par-boiled

·         Bring filling out of refrigerator
·         Shape into round balls approximately 1+ tablespoon in size-depending on the size of the round cutter you use to cut your pierogi dough

To Make Pierogi:
·         On a lightly floured surface roll a piece of the dough as thin as possible without making holes.
·         Using a round cutter or a glass or a round container (not too large; not too small) cut circles
·         Move circles to the side and place excess dough under the plastic wrap
·         Hold the circle in your hand
·         Place a round of filling into the middle; squash the filling flat and then fold dough in half.
·         Working from the middle then side to side, pinch the dough until a tight seal has formed.

·         Place completed pierogi on a parchment.
·         When the first batch is complete, place into pot of boiling water.
·         Boil until pierogi's float (stir once to keep from sticking to bottom)  Do not crowd pot. Usually 6 pierogis per pot.
·         Remove with slotted spoon to colander, place colander in ice water, cool and drain.
·         Place drained pierogi on tea towel to dry.
·         Place pierogi in buttered pan and cover with layer of butter.
Repeat until dough and fillings are gone.

Once a layer of pierogi is in the bottom of the pan-cover with parchment, coat parchment with melted butter and add next layer.

At this point you may prepare pierogi to eat or freeze for later use.
·         To eat immediately:
o   Saute in butter and onions until cooked through or crisp (if you like them crisp)
·         Or
o   Heat in 350 oven until warmed through
·         Good accompaniments
o   Fried Kielbasa
o   sourcream
o   bacon bits
o   lots of butter

To Freeze:
·         Tightly wrap container in foil-when ready to use, thaw and bake or fry.
·         Alternately, freeze pierogis on cookie sheets on parchment, when frozen break apart and place in freezer bag.  To use-take as many as needed for a meal and heat as needed.


Saturday, January 26, 2019

Cuban Ropa Vieja

Cuban Style Stewed Shredded Beef
        Ropa Vieja (ROpah vee-EH-hah) translates literally from Spanish as "old clothes, so named because you cook the beef, then shred it up, like tattered old clothes.
And with flavors of slow cooked beef stewed in a rich sauce of onions, tomatoes, peppers, garlic, cumin, bay and oregano, it's no wonder it's among the best loved dishes in all Cuban cuisine.
        Some recipes call to braise the beef first with all the flavorings, and then shred, this author prefers to boil the beef first, cool and shred and then stew with all the seasonings.  It cooks up more tender this way.
         Serve with steamed rice and black beans.
Ingredients                                                                                                   Serves 4-6
For efficiency, make sure to put the beef on the stove to boil before you start your knife work.

2.5-3 pounds chuck roast cut into roughly 8 equal pieces             
1/2 med onion cut in half
4 smashed garlic cloves 
1 carrot cut in thirds   
1 celery stalk cut in thirds 
5 cups water/beef stock
For the rest:   
2 Tablespoons oil         
a medium onion, cut into 1/3 inch strips vertically
1 red bell pepper cut into 1/4 inch strips   
1/2 green bell pepper cut into 1/4 inch strips
4 cloves garlic rough chopped   
1/3 cups green pitted olives cut into thirds or quarters
1 tsp cumin   
1 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp black pepper
2 bay leaves
1-1/2 Tablespoons tomato paste
1-15oz can diced tomatoes
2 cups of the liquid from boiling the beef
1/2 tsp sugar
1/3 cup frozen peas (optional)

  1. Put the beef, the 1/2 onion, carrot, celery and four garlic cloves in a 4 or 5 quart Dutch oven, pour in the water/stock, cover the pot and place on high heat until the meat comes to a rolling boil (about 15-20 minutes). Then turn the heat down to medium, keeping the pot completely covered and continue to boil the beef for another 40-50 minutes.
  2. While the beef is boiling do all your knife-work and set aside.  When the beef is boiled, remove all the pieces from the liquid and cool beef for at least 20 minutes while you prepare the base of the stew.  Reserve 2 cups of the boiling liquid in a bowl.  The remainder you can save and us for soup or sauce stock.
  3. In your Dutch oven, bring 2 Tablespoons oil up to slightly higher than medium heat and saute your Onions, peppers and garlic for 3 or 4 minutes or until the onions are translucent.
  4. Add Cumin, oregano, black pepper, and bay leaves, and stir to distribute.  Add tomato paste, tomatoes and boiling liquid, 1-1/2 teaspoons kosher salt and 1/2 teaspoon sugar.  Stir to completely dissolve the tomato paste. Simmer 2 minutes and turn off heat.   The beef should be ready to shred at this point
  5. Loosely shred all the beef and put into the pot with the stewing liquid. Turn up heat to medium high and stir to incorporate thoroughly.
  6. Cover pot and bring Ropa Vieja up to a rolling boil for 2 minutes., uncover, stir a couple of times, turn the heat to medium and simmer fully covered for 15 minutes.  Stirring a couple of times at the halfway point.
  7. Remove the lid and simmer for 10-12 minutes, stirring a couple times half way through. Taste and adjust the seasonings.
  8. Remove from heat add peas and olives then let cool 15 minutes (this will give the flavors time to set and the sauce time to thicken). Adding the frozen peas here help them to retain their texture and color.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Pork Chops with Apples and Cider Cream Sauce

The Gourmet Cookbook edited by Ruth Reichl
adapted by Eileen

3 Tablespoons butter
1/2 an onion minced
1/2 cup hard apple cider (or apple cider or apple juice)
1/2 cup cider vinegar
1/2 teaspoon sage (Optional-I usually leave out, it is very strong)
1-1/4 cups chicken stock
2/3 cup heavy cream (canned coconut milk works for a dairy alternative)
4-6 Pork loin chops
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
3 Gala, Honey Crisp or Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored and cut into 8 wedges or more.
(personally I like my apples thinner in this recipe)
Oven 300 degrees)

Great served with Mashed potatoes or broad egg noodles.  Green beans or broccoli make a great vegetable side.  Sliced toasted sourdough bread or Naan bread make good accompaniments. 
  • Pat Pork chops dry and sprinkle with salt and pepper (Aloha pork seasoning works well, or any of the salty wahine salts instead of salt and pepper)
  • Heat 1 Tablespoon butter in a Dutch oven or large skillet.
  • Add the pork chops and cook, turning once about 4-6 minutes per side. Do Not Overcook-these will go into the oven to keep warm and will continue to cook) Remove with slotted spoon to an oven proof dish. Cover with foil and place in oven.
  • Saute apples in the pan until golden-about 4 minutes.  Remove with slotted spoon to the dish with the pork chops, cover and place back in the oven.
  • In pan melt 1 Tablespoon more butter, add onions and cook stirring occasionally about 3-5 minutes.
  • Add Cider and cider vinegar and sage if using.  Bring to a boil and boil until reduced by about a 1/2 - approximately 8 minutes.
  • Add 1 cup chicken stock and boil until reduced to about 3/4 cup, approximately 12 minutes.
  • Add cream and boil until reduced to about 1 cup, approximately 8 minutes.
  • Take pork chops and apples out of oven and either pour sauce over and serve or add to sauce and serve.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Recipe from The New Orleans School of Cooking

3/4 cup Brown Sugar       
1-1/2 cups sugar     
1/2 cup milk    
6 TBS butter
1 tsp vanilla   
1-1/2 cups coarse chopped pecans
·         Combine all ingredients in saucepan and bring to boil, stir constantly until soft ball stage. 
·         Soft Ball Stage 235-240°F 
o   At this temperature, sugar syrup dropped into cold water will form a soft flexible ball.  If you remove the ball from the water, it will flatten like a pancake after a few moments in your hand.
·         Remove from heat, stir until mixture thickens and becomes creamy & cloudy & pecans stay suspended. 
·         Spoon onto parchment paper.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Golabki/Stuffed Cabbage Rolls


  • ·         1-Head Cabbage
  • ·         2-TBS Vinegar
  • ·         1-TBS salt
  • ·         1-1/2 Pounds Ground Beef (or mix 1 Pound Ground Beef and 1/2 Pound Ground Pork)
  • ·         1-Onion chopped
  • ·         1-Clove Garlic minced
  • ·         1/4 Cup long grain rice (uncooked)
  • ·         Salt and Pepper to taste
  • ·         1-TBS Brown Sugar
  • ·         1-14.5oz Can Diced Tomatoes
  • ·         1-15 oz Can Tomato Sauce

Oven 350 degrees.
Bring a large pot of water to a boil.  Add vinegar and salt to pot.  Cut a circle around the core of the cabbage.  Place cabbage in boiling water for 3-4 minutes.  Bring cabbage out of the water and gently remove the outer leaves.  Remove leaves that are tender.  Place cabbage back in water to soften more leaves. Let leaves dry on a lint free towel or paper towel.
While pot is coming to a boil:
Sauté onion and garlic until soft and fragrant. Let cool. 
Mix ground meat, uncooked rice, onion/garlic, salt and pepper.  Set aside.
Mix Brown Sugar, Tomatoes and Tomato Sauce.  Pour a layer of sauce in the bottom of a heavy Dutch oven. (Our LeCrueset round Dutch oven's work well).
When all the leaves are ready it is time to stuff the Leaves:
Place approximately 2 TBS of the meat in each leave.  Fold in sides and then roll.  Place seam side down in the Dutch oven.

 When a layer is complete pour a small amount of sauce on the layer and add the next layer of rolls.  When complete, pour remaining sauce on top, cover Dutch oven and place on stove for a few minutes to bring the sauce to a boil.  Place Dutch oven in oven and bake for 50-60 minutes. If you like peas add frozen or fresh peas in the last 25-30 minutes of cook time. Let cool 15 minutes before serving.  Great with mashed potatoes.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Key Lime Pie

by Gourmet Sleuth
This is a recipe for "real" Key Lime pie.  Real Key lime pie is not green and it does not have a sof "pudding" texture.  The pie gets its true pale yellow color from the egg yoolks that predominate the ingredient list.  The texture is a  firm custard.  Be CAREFUL that you do not over-bake the pie, or it will be "rubbery"  For best results use fresh limes/.

First make a Graham Cracker Crust and bake until light brown.

4 large egg yolks
1- 14oz. can sweetened condensed milk
1/2 cup fresh lime juice
2 tsp grated lime peel (green portion only)
whipping cream garnish

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Use and electric mixer and beat egg yolks until they are thick and turn to a light yellow, do not over mix. Turn mixer off, add the sweetened condensed milk.  Turn spreed to low and mix in half the lime juice.  Once the juice is incorporated add the other half of the juice and the zest, continue to mix until blended (just a few seconds).  Pour the mix into the cooked pie shell and bake at 350 degree F for 12 minutes to set the yolks.  Do NOT over bake.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Pioneer Women's Chili

I am not a chili fan. I find most of them very heavy on the tomatoes or very spicy. Taber thought loves chili and wanted me to find a recipe. After a fails (They were pretty bad) I found Pioneer women's recipe. For the first time I actually ate an entire bowl of chili and Taber asked when we were going have it again. Here is the recipe.
At the end I include your website, she adds pictures to a lot of recipes, which is nice.

Frito Chili Pie

5 Minutes
1 Hours
8 Servings
  • 2 pounds Ground Chuck
  • 3 cloves Garlic, Minced (optional)
  • 1 can (12-14 Oz. Size) Tomato Sauce
  • 1 can (10 Ounce) Ro-tel (diced Tomatoes And Chilies)
  • 1/2 teaspoon Salt
  • 1 teaspoon Ground Oregano
  • 1 Tablespoon Ground Cumin
  • 2 Tablespoons Chili Powder (more To Taste)
  • 1 can (14-ounce) Kidney Beans, Drained And Rinsed
  • 1 can (14-ounce) Pinto Beans, Drained And Rinsed
  • 1/4 cup Masa (corn Flour) Or Regular Corn Meal
  • 1/2 cup Warm Water
  • Individual Bags Of Fritos
  • Grated Sharp Cheddar Cheese
  • Diced Red Onion (Optional)
Brown ground chuck with garlic in a pot over medium-high heat. Add tomato sauce, Rotel, salt, oregano, cumin, and chili powder. Cover and reduce heat to low. Simmer for 30 minutes. 

Add drained and rinsed beans. Stir to combine, then cover and simmer for another 20 minutes. 

Mix masa with water, then add to the chili. Stir to combine and simmer for a final 10 to 15 minutes. Set aside. 

Serve by slicing the Frito bags open lengthwise. Pile in chili and cheese, and diced onion if using. Serve immediately with plastic forks. A crowd-pleaser!